Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Why do I sweat so much?

Why sweating is good for you, and what you can do to sweat less.
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Hey, wellness squad! As we collectively sweat through the hottest of hot girl summers, some of you may be wondering what you can do to keep all this perspiration at bay. Below, we give you some ideas, plus info on how to know whether your sweat is a sign of something more.
Here's what else we got going today:
How to keep your vagina healthy during sweaty weather
Underwear questions you're too embarrassed to ask
Activities to cut your risk of dementia
New details about Lisa Marie Presley's death
Stay sharp,
Ginger Wojcik
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Ginger Wojcik
July 26, 2023 • 5 min read
Help! I can't stop sweating
what's got us buzzing
Help! I can't stop sweating
Sweating is your body's personal AC. When it's hot out, your body releases fluid from your sweat glands that then evaporates to cool you down. Though sometimes bothersome, sweating is a clever way your body keeps you alive.

It's not just the weather that makes us sweat. Many factors can increase your internal temperature, leading to excess sweat. So if you want to sweat less, you might try:
  • Wearing breathable and loose-fitting clothing: Natural materials like cotton and linen promote airflow, which can help keep you cool.
  • Watching the alcohol: Alcohol can cause you to sweat more by speeding up your heart rate and widening the blood vessels in your skin.
  • And the caffeine: It's been found to increase internal body temps and promote perspiration.
  • Wearing an antiperspirant: These products can help reduce underarm sweat.
  • Managing your stress: Stress raises your internal body temperature, which can lead to stress sweat. (You may find that stress sweat smells different than regular sweat).
Sweating for no apparent reason? It might be hyperhidrosis. It's natural to sweat, sometimes a lot. But if you often burst into a sweat without any clear trigger, you may want to speak with a doctor who can prescribe a special deodorant or suggest other treatment options.

More help managing sweat:
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
The Antimicrobial Jacket from Oya Femtech Apparel
The Antimicrobial Jacket from Oya Femtech Apparel
Full disclosure: Oya reached out to me to test this fitness jacket. And while I made no promises to give it a good review, I'm here doing so anyway because it's that good! It's stylish and well made, and the strategically placed mesh panels increase airflow in the areas where heat likes to get trapped, i.e., the armpits. I feel freer and smell fresher when I exercise in this jacket. Highly recommend it for the active and sweaty humans out there.
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Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
say what
An expert weighs in
Q: Is it safe to use deodorant in your groin area?

A: Regarding the use of deodorants in the crotch area, it is essential to exercise caution. Deodorants formulated specifically for intimate areas may offer a mild antiperspirant effect while being gentle on sensitive skin. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist to ensure the product's suitability for your individual needs.

Jake Woods, clinical dermatologist
How to keep your bits clean and cool when the weather gets hot
Wednesday Kick Start
How to keep your bits clean and cool when the weather gets hot
Why do I sweat so much down there? Because of all the sweat glands! Your groin is densely populated with apocrine sweat glands, which develop in areas with lots of hair. Emotions can also cause the apocrine glands to produce sweat, so you may find your groin gets extra sweaty when you're stressed or excited.

Is it unhealthy to have a sweaty groin? Nope! It's normal to be sweatier down there than other parts of your body, and sweat alone isn't cause for concern. But all this moisture can put you at a higher risk of infection, especially if you have a vagina. While having good hygiene habits is always essential, it becomes even more so during hot and weather times of year.

Summertime hygiene tips for your nether regions:
Choose underwear with breathable material that doesn't fit too tight.
Wear loose-fitting clothing. Long stretches in leggings and tights can trap heat in your groin, leading to more sweat and bacteria buildup.
Wash your underwear after every use.
Follow the anti-sweating tips in our main story above!
More on good hygiene:
Underwear questions you're too embarrassed to ask
How to win the fight against butt sweat
8 underwear rules to live by for a healthy vagina
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What we're reading next
💔 New details about Lisa Marie Presley's death. An autopsy report found that complications from a popular type of surgery may have led to the singer's passing.
♟️ Want to cut your risk of dementia? These activities may help. New research shows that keeping up simple mentally stimulating activities may help keep you cognitively sharp.
🍔 Scientists created a "healthy" diet with ultra-processed foods. Can a person meet their nutritional needs from only eating processed foods? Read how this experiment played out.
🌫️ 6 possible reasons for your brain fog. Is mental fatigue slowing you down? Learn what may be causing that fogginess so you can take steps toward a clearer state of mind.
you're up
One subject that always gets a lot of attention in Wellness Wire is natural deodorant. Some people swear by it, and others are convinced it doesn't work at all. We're pretty undecided ourselves.
We want to know: Have you found a brand of natural deodorant that works for you? Let us know at (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming edition!)
Thanks for reading everyone! Remember, no matter how sweaty you get during these sweltering months, you're still beautiful to us. 💖
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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