Friday, February 24, 2023

Your Friday fitness inspo

Ayesha Curry's tips for crushing your goals
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Happy Friday, friends! Before we head off into the weekend, we want to ask: What are your health goals for 2023? If they have anything to do with diet or exercise, keep scrolling. Chef and New York Times best-selling author Ayesha Curry shares her favorite tips for achieving nutrition and fitness goals below.
But before we dig in, here's everything else on today's menu:
yummy, chewy tiger nuts that I've been snacking on
how to counteract the harmful effects of prolonged sitting
more health stories you need, like aspartame's side effects
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
February 24, 2023 • 6 min read
Chef, cookbook author, entrepreneur, TV personality, producer –– Ayesha Curry has a long list of impressive achievements, and she's still reaching for more in 2023. This year, setting health-related goals is at the top of her list.
Below, Curry dishes on her foodie and fitness wisdom, including helpful tips to use in the kitchen, gym, and beyond.
*This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: What are some of your physical and mental health goals for 2023?
A: My health goal this year is to build more lean muscle. While I'm feeling great right now, I'd love to work on muscle definition to feel strong in my own skin. So, I'm focusing on adding more protein to my diet and lifting weights.
Mentally, I want to be kind to myself during this process. I know there will be days where moving my body won't be what I want to do, but I know that any step forward is a step in the right direction.
Q: Do you have any advice for folks who have a hard time with meal planning or simply don't like cooking but want to start preparing healthy meals for themselves and/or family?
A: As a busy mom of three, I have to say I love meal prepping. It removes the guesswork when the days get chaotic.
On Sundays, I'll look at the week's meals for my family and make a game plan. Taking those extra 20 to 30 minutes to sit down, prepare, and plan makes a huge difference when making consciously healthier choices. Whether it's going out and buying groceries or figuring out how to repurpose ingredients already in the kitchen, it's a great nutrition and cost-saving tool.
Greg Grunberg
Q: Can you share a few of your go-to pantry and fridge staples to help whip up easy, nutritious meals?
A: I love to keep a few cans of good quality canned tomatoes and low sodium chicken stock in my pantry. They're shelf stable so they can stick around until you need them and tend to be my most used ingredients for whatever meal I'm whipping up for the family. I also keep my whole grains stocked (brown rice, whole grain pasta), which are a great base when you need to make a meal in a pinch.
In my fridge, I'll often keep tons of citrus and herbs, which can elevate any dish into something special, even if you're using mostly pantry ingredients.
When it comes to on-the-fly meals, your freezer is your best friend. Frozen fruit and vegetables are a game-changer, especially for things like smoothies. One of my favorites right now is this tropical post-workout smoothie that uses frozen mango and frozen banana as a base. It's a perfect on-the-go meal.
Q: What are your tips on how to exercise mental preparedness for a physical workout to increase your chances of sticking to it?
A: As much as we might not like to admit it in moments when we're stuck in a rut, we feel better mentally and physically when we move our bodies. Begin to remind yourself that you'll feel better after doing an activity, and slowly it'll become a habit.
Don't be afraid to shake it up a bit. Try something new –– take a new workout class, download a new playlist.
I also find getting outdoors helps to get me motivated. Keep in mind the "why" of your health and fitness goals, have grace with yourself on the bad days, and celebrate the small wins that you accomplish to keep up momentum.
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better.
Sweet Aya Tiger Nuts
Sweet Aya Tiger Nuts
The first time I bit into one of these nuts, the texture threw me for a loop. It wasn't crunchy –– it was chewy! And I instantly became hooked. My favorite flavor is the Smokey BBQ, but the Sea Salt and Dark Chocolate-Covered flavors are amazing, too. Tiger nuts offer powerful health benefits, like better digestion and reduced risk of heart disease. If you're in the market for a new nut to nom on, I recommend trying Sweet Aya's snacks.
Shop now
Get off your bums: RXs to fix the effects of sitting too long
Weird Science
Get off your bums: RXs to fix the effects of sitting too long
Did you know that prolonged periods of sitting can have huge effects on your entire body? Wellness Integrity Manager at RVO Health Brooke Mathe, MS, CSCS, compares the experience to a computer in "sleep mode." "Most of your biological functions slow down or stop completely," she explains. "Your musculoskeletal system also takes a huge hit." Think muscle imbalances, tight and weakened muscles, limited range of motion, injury, etc.

If you use a wheelchair, sit at your desk all day, or enjoy being a couch potato on the weekends, please don't fret. Folks of all mobility levels can counteract the harmful effects of sitting for too long. Mathe offers a few actionable ~steps~ to protect your health below:
Sit ergonomically correct: That means no crossing your legs!
Avoid slouching: Hunching over can compact your organs and put strain on the muscles and ligaments that support your spine.
Stretch: Stretch your upper body while sitting, and take periodic breaks to stretch out the rest of your body.
Set hourly reminders to spend 1 to 2 minutes moving around: Walk around the house, do some jumping jacks, dance it out — just try not to snooze that alarm!
Turn meetings into walking meetings: Whenever you can.
Start and end your day with a 10-minute walk: Leave your phone, and bring your coffee.
Find an accountability buddy: Is there someone at work who has the same goal of sitting less?
To learn more about the side effects of sitting too long, click here.
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🍭 The truth about aspartame side effects. This sugar alternative gets a bad rap, but is it warranted? Let's uncover the facts about this popular sweetener's effect on your health.
🛌 ️12 best sheets for hot sleepers. Calling all fellow sweaty sleepers: These cooling sheets can help chill you out when your body heats up.
🧬 What role do genes play in heart disease? A significant one! Whether or not you have a genetic predisposition, learn what you can do to lower your risk.
🧑‍Alopecia facts and first-person stories. Wondering what it's like to live with hair loss? Listen to these personal stories and experiences from people living with the condition.
Thanks for reading! Is there a topic you'd like us to cover in an upcoming newsletter? Submit your requests to Gentle reminder: Please don't send us personal images or health information. We encourage you to see a doctor for your medical concerns.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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multiple midday stretches.
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