Monday, February 13, 2023

what should you wear to a job interview? our fashion editor weighs in!

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Career & Finance Edit Graphic— with managing editor Garri Chaverst
The second I get my tax forms on January 31st, I am in full panic mode. Is all the information correct? How much will I owe? Where can I find a person to help me do my taxes? Or can I tackle these myself? Thankfully, this panic phase usually settles and leaves me in a place where I can reflect on my financial habits and career over the last year. Then, I start asking myself different questions. Am I growing in the right direction? How can I adjust my budget to better fit my lifestyle and goals? Am I making the most of the resources available to me? In times like these, I'm glad that The Everygirl's Career and Finance section is here to guide me. Whether you're looking to get a handle on your finances or can't seem to figure this whole career thing out, we're here to provide you with resources that meet you where you're at and help you figure out what comes next.
graphic of a women holding a stack of books for tax season
Graphics: Kirra Wallace

Brace Yourselves, It's Time: The Lazy Girl's Guide to Tax Season


There are two types of people in the world: those who sort out their tax returns as soon as the new year hits and those who are still rattling around at the start of April (basically the end of tax season), wondering what happened to their W-2. If you fit squarely in that second group, this article is for you … Read more.

The Lifestyle That Could Finally Help You Achieve Financial Freedom

If you're ready to level up your finances and simplify your spending decisions, you've come to the right place. With these six tips, you can finally become financially free … Read more.

4 Payday Hacks That Have Completely Changed My Finances

Living paycheck to paycheck often has a negative connotation—but it doesn't have to. Whenever payday comes, it's a chance to check in on our financial picture, make positive changes, and set new habits. Whether your paycheck comes in regular intervals or your income streams are less predictable, these hacks will change the game … Read more.

Shop Career Essentials

Papier Finance Planner


Wonder Finance Planner

Papier Wave Rollerball Pen


Rollerball Pen

Amazon Blue Light Screen Glasses


Blue Light Screen Glasses

Amazon Desktop Space Heater


Desktop Space Heater

Amazon | Ember Smart Mug Warmer

Amazon | Ember

Smart Mug Warmer

Amazon | LifePro Under Desk Elliptical

Amazon | LifePro

Under Desk Elliptical

A note from the everygirl email editor, Hannah Nguyen
Hi there, Everygirls! Email Editor Hannah here. I'm so excited to introduce our latest newsletter. You'll be seeing more from our editors as they deliver exclusively curated content to your inbox. Each week, you'll receive a new themed email. This week, it's all about career and finance. I cannot wait for you to experience our new and improved newsletters!

10 Ways To Make Sure Your Daily Planner Makes It Past January

Say it with me now: I can keep my life organized with my planner! Over the years, I've discovered many ways to optimize my planner so it can help me be my most productive—to the point where it now goes everywhere with me from January 1 to December 31. Let's dive into some tips you can use to get the most out of your new planner … Read more.

I'm a Black Woman Working in DEI—Here's How I Protect My Peace

It's a career I fell into by accident but have continued doing because I connect to it deeply and find it incredibly meaningful. That said, there are days when doing this work feels unbearable. You don't have to look very far to find politicians, media outlets, and other voices trying to tear down the work of DEI and the people doing it. Here's how I protect my peace … Read more.

want more financial advice? listen to The Everygirl Podcast with guest Tori Dunlap

The New Happy Has 500k Instagram Followers—Here's How the Founder Built a Real Community

Because of her unique take on using the platform, over 500,000 people are now a part of The New Happy Instagram community. I sat down with founder Stephanie Harrison and asked for her three top tips for intentionally growing a social media following beyond metrics … Read more.

Ask a Fashion Editor: What Do I Wear to a Job Interview?

First off, congrats! The interview process is always exciting and nerve-wracking (usually a bit more of the latter), but it is something you should be proud of. Amidst prepping your answers to standard interview questions and figuring out what you will ask at the end, the last thing you should worry about is your outfit. Our fashion editor breaks down the best outfit to wear … Read more.

Social IG Graphic Post—@theverygirl "when you're casually watching tik toks and forget you have a full-time job"
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