Diets are temporary. Nutrition is not.

What's Good
We've Been Thinking About Diets All Wrong. Here's Why
In the last few years especially, diets have been getting a bad rap for being quick fixes that really only help short-term health or weight-loss goals. And honestly, there's some truth to that. But what if we reframed the way we look at diets and thought of them more as lessons and less like solutions?
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7 Simple Clean-Eating Recipes for Busy Weeknights
We've typed "easy, healthy recipes" into our Pinterest search bars so many times at this point, it might as well be preprogrammed. The recipes we get, however, are never quite as easy or as healthy as we want them to be. But these seven recipes? It doesn't get much easier or healthier than them.
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Work Your Entire Butt in Less Than 10 Minutes
Squats work your butt from one angle. Swings work it from another. Then this circuit works it from all the rest—added on to the end of your normal cardio routine, it's the perfect workout to get that 360 glute strength you've been missing.
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What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Almost Committed Suicide at 24
When Matt Haig was 24, he almost committed suicide. He struggled with depression for years (both before and after that incident), but he came out of it alive, happy, and surrounded by people he loves. Here's his advice for people going through situations similar to the one he experienced.
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34 Healthy Energy Bars You Can Make at Home
No matter what your preferred kind of bar is (granola, breakfast, protein, nut, dessert, etc., etc.), it can almost definitely be DIYed at home. And your homemade version will probably be healthier, cheaper, tastier, and more environmentally friendly (hello, no individual wrappers) than any version you'd buy from a store. It sells itself, we know.
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