Tuesday, July 25, 2017

America Has a Stunning Housing Shortage — Here's Why

Your tasting menu of 8 forward-looking stories to set you up for tomorrow's conversation.

The daily dose

#1 Acumen

America Has a Stunning Housing Shortage — Here's Why

New home construction continues to lag, putting the squeeze on everyone.

#2 Provocateurs

Meet the Guardian of Palestine's Past

Ahmad Mrowat is gradually piecing together Palestine's history — one photograph and document at a time.

#3 The Huddle

A Day in the Life of an NBA Reject Turned Euro Star

Truck Bryant is a New York City prep legend who led West Virginia to a Final Four. Now, he's climbing the ladder to European stardom.


More must reads

#4 Fast Forward

The Illegal Gold Mining Boom That's Poisoning Colombia

At illegal gold mines unprotected workers use mercury to process ore — is this a recipe for poisoning a country? 

#5 Good Sh*t

The Mob Is Coming to Comic Books … and It's Awesome

Move over, Batman and Dr. Strange. This comic is about a Mafia legend.

#6 POV

Ending Racial Bias in Policing? We Asked, You Answered

Third Rail With OZY is back!

#7 Acumen

Does Your Laugh Reveal Your Social Status?

Put on your play face. Scientists observed fraternity brothers for insights on what our laughter says about where we fit into society.

#8 Politics & Power

Environmentalism Is No Longer Just for Lefties

Once the province of progressives, conservatives are rallying around property and business concerns.

Must-Reads from OZYFEST 2017

OZY Fest Photo Booth: Check Out the Day's Dopest Pics

OZY Fest Photo Booth: Check Out the Day's Dopest Pics

Here are the highlights of what went down yesterday at New York's biggest summer blowout.

OZY Fest Photo Booth: Check Out the Day's Dopest Pics

Jeb Bush: Trump Is Not the Future of the GOP

OZY Fest Photo Booth: Check Out the Day's Dopest Pics

Digging in With Superchef Eddie Huang — From Glutamates to Racism

Today's news sent straight to your inbox

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Trump Urges Vote on Health Care as McCain Returns

They're not down yet. President Donald Trump spent Monday encouraging Republican senators to open debate on an Obamacare r…

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