It's not always a mental thing.

The Surprising Thing That Made Me Binge Eat—and the Diet That Helped Me Stop
Binge eating is often associated with purging and eating disorders, but it's not always that extreme. This woman was dealing with constant hunger and the inability to leave even crumbs on a plate—and the reason why isn't what you'd expect (hint: It has nothing to do with self-control).
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21 Lighter Meals That Help You Get Back on Track After a *Big* Weekend
No matter how old we get, we all still have occasional weekends where we drink too much or eat too much or sleep too little and end up with a big case of blaahhhhhh on Monday. But a few of these light, produce- and protein-focused meals will reset your body and get you right back on track.
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These Mesmerizing Illustrations Will Help You Get the Best Stretch
Not all stretches are created equal. A quick bop down to your toes won't ease muscle tension the same way a deep, focused stretch will, but in order to do it correctly, you need to know where that focus should be. These illustrations help by highlighting the targeted muscles in a few common stretches so you know what you're stretching and why.
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How to Stop at Just One Cookie
The whole "bet you can't eat just one" thing may have been trademarked by Lays, but in our lives, it applies to pretty much... everything. When you're faced with a plateful of food you love, it can be hard to stop at one serving. These tricks will make stopping easier, but we're also going to talk about why you shouldn't take a slipup too seriously.
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The Original Use for Vibrators Isn't What You Think
When do you think the first vibrator was invented? Take a sec and guess. Seriously. You're probably gonna be wrong, but that's just because vibrators were invented way, way, WAY earlier than anyone ever would have thought. Who said 19th-century women didn't know how to have fun?
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