How to spot the red flags.

7 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job RN
If you dread going to work every Sunday night, can't stand being around your boss, and feel unfulfilled by your career, you probably know that it's time to quit your job. But not all signs are as obvious as those—here are other (more subtle) red flags you should look out for.
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21 Energy-Boosting Breakfast Recipes That Are Easier Than Making a Cup of Joe
What do you want from your breakfast? You want it to be healthy. You want it to be filling. You want it to be easy to make so when you inevitably run short on time, you can still squeeze it in. You also want it to be energy-boosting. Didn't even know that was an option? These recipes will show you what you've been missing.
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A Letter to Anyone Who Thinks They're Fat (From Someone Who Is)
Being fat in today's society is not easy. It probably won't ever be easy. But there's a certain freedom that comes from accepting yourself as you are—even as everyone around you tries to "fix" you. Here's what that freedom looks, feels, and sounds like, from someone who knows.
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The Perfect Workout for Super Busy People
You shouldn't rely on seven-minute workouts every day. But when days are packed with meetings and appointments and to-do list items. and you still want to pack in a full-body workout, this should be the one you turn to.
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9 Open-Faced Sandwiches for When You Want the Quickest Dinner (Yes, Dinner!) Ever
We believe in equality for all sandwiches, and by that we mean we believe open-faced sandwiches should be treated as real sandwiches and that all sandwiches should be represented equally at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Really, what we want is for you to consider these open-faced sandwiches for your next main course—they deserve the attention. You'll see.
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