Sunday, July 19, 2020

We’re up All Night to Get Crafty (That’s a Good Thing)

If I were to tell you about the last time I did something creative, I would have to go back to when I was 21. That was 2011. And really? Have I really not felt creative in the last 9 years? Been creative? The answer is technically no, but I think it feels like a "yes" because I'm hanging on to old expectations of how being creative should feel.

Finding yourself in the same zone of stuck? We're here to help with an abundance of ways to do a little creative thing each day. First, define what being creative means. Then, list a variety of activities you enjoy. After that, decide whether those activities bring comfort or help you gently escape, because there's a difference — although defining that difference is very personal. Between a pandemic and the ongoing protests, we're being reminded that there's no limit to defining creativity. For many Black people today, creativity is about building a whole new world where their lives matter.

Lastly, don't forget to share your creations online or off. After all, validation is how we get closure about the whole creative process. And that feeling of closure, of investing in yourself, is important to, well, getting sleep, apparently.

Christal Yuen, Senior Editor

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